Sunday, December 18, 2011

Remember that time I told you to buy dry shampoo?

Well, forget about it.

Try cornstarch instead.

I've been keeping a jar of it in the bathroom and using it on days I don't have time, am too lazy or just don't want to subject my hair to regular washing.

Dip your fingers in and then rub it around the roots of your hair, especially near your hairline. Basically, just mimic regular hair washing. Flipping your head over makes it easier to get at your roots. The cornstarch will absorb the oil as you work it around and then disappear. In thirty seconds flat your hair will be, well, less flat. If your hair is dark you might need to work it through a bit longer to make sure it disappears completely.

In all fairness, proper (ie manufactured) dry shampoo, especially this one, is nice. It smells good and comes in a pretty package and you don't have to, um, rinse your hands after you use it. But in my world the fifteen bucks I was paying for it didn't actually make any sense once I figured out most of these products consist primarily of cornstarch. In my estimation, straight up cornstarch costs about .002 cents per application and you don't have to avoid inhaling any scary fumes. Plus, it was already in my cupboard which makes it very hard to compete with. (see occasionally lazy, above)

Go forth and be fluffy haired.


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