Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Stockyards

If I worked for Pizza Pizza I'd say something like 'this place is for Meataholics!'

The Stockyards. 699 St. Clair Avenue West, TO

Yup. They serve pretty much nothing but meat.

The Stockyards. It deserves every word that's been written about it and it's about a block and a half from my apartment. I haven't had a single less than perfect experience at this place.

Pictured below you'll see their hugely popular pulled-pork sandwich, and my favorite menu item - their burger. I usually order it with just cheese and add the condiments when I get home so it won't have a chance to get soggy on me. You know the meat is high quality because, unless you specify otherwise, it will be served just slightly pink in the middle.

A few weeks ago I got the burger 'special' and it was by far the best burger I've ever had in my life. I forget what they called it, but it was filled with American cheese that oozed out and got all crispy when they fried it and was topped with a deep fried dill pickle slice.

You heard me.

Pulled Pork Sandwich

Cheeseburger with Fries
 Apologies to my vegetarian buddies. I'll be sure to post some strictly veggie recipes to make up for it.


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